There are more and more interesting games available. Here are two that you might want to try. They are both smartphone apps, and last I checked they were free.
The first one requires you to have another person with the game installed, and you will want to be connected to the same Wifi, and be able to talk to each other. It's called SpaceTeam -
You and a friend have the game installed, join the same Wifi network, and you will together attempt to fly a spaceship that is falling apart. You will have a control panel, and your friend will have a control panel. You will receive instructions like "advance the spark to 2" or "clear the Jeffries Tube". You look on your control panel and sometimes you will have a dial that says "spark advance" and you will just do it.
But, you and your friend do not have the same control panel, sometimes you will have to calmly tell your colleague that THEY need to clear the Jeffries Tube. But they are getting orders, too, and the ship is falling apart, so it quickly leads to shouting. Up to four can play.
Why do I tell you about this game? Because it feels to me like it might be useful team-building for any high-stress technical field. Operating room nurses. Firefighters. Soldiers. Other people who need to say "give me the gizmo and make it quick" but need to learn how to do that. And if you can't read the orders right, and pronounce them well, then, in the game, hilarity ensues. Maybe practice with the game will help you work together in the real high-stress situation.
The second game is a location-aware game. To play this game, you will need to move around your city to visit "portals" to get items that will help you capture and keep portals. The game is called Ingress
You will decide which team to join, the Enlightened or the Resistance, and then you will go visit churches, libraries, historical markers and other public places around you to gather eXotic Matter from around you. The game is built on top of Google Maps, and there are people around the world playing this game.
Why do I tell you about this one? The possibilties of the smart phone, and knowing where you are, can provide some interesting location-related information to your customers. What if the future mall directory can take you to the store that you want to go to, and show you the best way to get there. Even better, what if you say you want a white long-sleeve t-shirt at the mall, and it gives you all the store choices and you tell it which one to go to, and you can see whether your friends have bought things from those stores, and how they reviewed their purchases. Or navigating around the classroom/campus, and getting tips and pointers for the place you are now.
Basic: space bar pause F5 to reload (or start a PowerPoint)
For people who don't want to deal with smartphone apps, I have a couple of tips.
Whenever you are listening to music, or playing a video, 90% of the time, you can hit the space bar to pause it. And then space bar again to re-start.
And if a webpage is taking forever to load, you can hit F5 to reload the page. F5 also starts a Powerpoint presentation in full-screen mode. Less fumbling with the mouse to click on the right icon.
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