Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Book chapter progress

I think I am making some progress on my book chapter. I'm looking at challenges for librarianship, and I told them I would write about technology.

I've been looking at bloglines skimming about 29 feeds, to see what I can see (for the past 4-5 months), and I am starting to sort through all the things, and I am seeing some patterns.

I have identified some challenges, and some reactions to "library 2.0" Maybe I'll put some here someday.

I'm also working with Tiana French on something for plagiarism, and that includes probably making a web site, and probably writing something for somewhere. I am taking a research methods class, and I am using a "find out whether first year college students understand what plagiarism is" as my topic. The class does not require you do a live survey, but I'm thinking that I might as well try.

Student success
I'm also working on a way to help students realize where they are in the semester, and to remind them of the appropriate bits of orientation at the appropriate times.

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